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Sento Consultants


« ... Your enthusiasm and ability to motivate our employees enabled us to significantly raise our company’s productivity and profitability... »

Xuan Binh Pham, eng.
Almac Tank International

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The Sentō Institute is an initiative undertaken by the experienced team of Sentō Consultants aimed at fully integrating the four main pillars and 14 management principles of the Lean IQ® program within your organization. Adaptable to all types of companies, this management model can help your company become the dominant player in your market over the long term.

To meet our clients’ diverse needs, three formats have been developed:

1. Sentō Institute – Network
  • Synergistic group of four companies operating in the same geographic area and enrolled in the Sentō Institute program for an 18-month period.
2. Sentō Institute – Internal
  • Synergistic group of up to four companies within the same corporate group enrolled in the Sentō Institute program for an 18-month period.
3. Sentō Institute – Executive
  • The senior executives of all companies enrolled in the Sentō Institute programs take part in high-level activities aimed at upgrading their organizations’ highest decision-making spheres, ensuring a strong and sustainable commitment throughout their Lean IQ® journey.