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Sento Consultants


« ...I thoroughly enjoyed the Toyota Way seminar and would recommend it whole-heartedly, particularly for managers... »

Pascal Labrecque, Eng. MAPS
MarkIV Automotive

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BBP seminars

In 2007, Sentō Consultants was commissioned by Quebec’s Department of Economic Development, Innovation and Export Trade (MDEIE) to develop a seminar entitled THE TOYOTA WAY AND THE INDUSTRIAL QUOTIENT (IQ®). This seminar has subsequently been presented on a regular basis at conferences on best business practices.

We are very proud to note the high level of interest and satisfaction generated by this seminar, which provides an overview of the Toyota strategy, focusing on continuous improvements and respect for people. The IQ® diagnostic tool (a questionnaire developed by Sentō, based on the Toyota philosophy) is also presented and you can evaluate your own company on the spot.

Private and public seminars

To familiarize yourself with or learn more about the Toyota system, we offer companies the opportunity of private seminars with our experts and/or with world-renowned guest speakers and specialists.

Since 2005, in partnership with the Board of Trade of Metropolitan Montreal (CCMM), we have also organized the same type of seminars for the general public. Here are a few examples of seminars for senior executives that we have developed:

June 2005 – Jeffrey K. Liker
Discover the secrets of LEAN MANUFACTURING Toyota style!

May 2006 – David Meier
Practical guide to implementing LEAN MANUFACTURING Toyota style!

February 2008 – Mike Hoseus
Draw inspiration from the Toyota management model. Boost your company’s performance!

If you have a major event coming up and would like to organize a similar activity with one of our Toyota Way experts, please feel free to contact us.